Top 12 Benefits Of Oil Pulling Detox

Benefits Of Oil Pulling

Hi everyone in this Article I will let you know, Tried and Tested method to remove the Harmful Chemicals from your body in just 10 minutes.

It is a simple, harmless, inexpensive technique to detoxify your body. Originated in INDIA from natural healing practices.

Today modern science fears by its miraculous benefits making it extremely popular in WEST, when practiced regularly know to cure more than 30 systematic diseases.

Doing This Practice Can Help You Healing oil pulling benefits

  • For Mouth Healing
  • For Bad Breath
  • For Acne 
  • Skin For Soft Skin.
  • For Insomnia 
  • For Arthritis
  • For Asthma 
  • For Gray Hair Reversing 
  • For Pcod
  • For Constipation
  • For Migraines
  • For Sinus
The best part is that it is so easy simple ingredient that 1 simple detox is even chipper than a multivitamin tablet.

I got to know about this technique 2 months ago since then I have been practicing 4 days a week without fail.

The benefits I got are just amazing, so if you do want to flush out the harmful chemicals accumulated in your body?

Before we start discussing the technique, let under this first

Why we need to remove harmful chemicals (Detox) our body?

In today's fast modern life we 
  • Inhale Polluted Air 
  • We Eat Stuff Like Fast Foods 
  • Fried Foods 
  • Processed Foods
  • Packaged Foods On A Regular Basis

Such foods that don't come from mother nature are extremely difficult to digest in our body

They stick to walls of our intestine and forms a thick coating of bacteria, virus and what, not more.

That sandwich which you eat a year ago might still be seating in your stomach this toxic waste then transported to different organs through bloodstream causing disease as

  • If it sticks to layers of our skin we called it as acne
  • If it blocks the airways it causes asthma
  • If it gets accumulated in intestine it causes constipation 

If you do not flush out this toxin chemical from your body you are inviting health problems.

let's get back to main topic burning question "How to remove toxins from our body"

The easiest way is "OIL PULLING"... yes, Oil Pulling is the key.

Oil Pulling Method

Every morning on empty stomach put full 1 spoon of oil in your mouth you can use
  • Coconut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Mustard oil

I personally use coconut oil, squish it in and around the mouth for 10 to 20 mins seems like a lot of time do not worry during oil pulling you can read Book, cook your breakfast, pack your bag and whatever else you want to...

Then split the oil out at the end of this activity the oil will become milky white and thinner.

How Oil Pulling Works?

Oil pulling brings out of the toxins not only from your mouth but other parts of your body to Sounds Strange?????

Let me explain.... when you mix oil and water together they separate each other 

But when you mix Oil and Oil together they get combined with each other, the microorganism in our body is covered in Lipids and Fats as you know.

So basically when we do oil pull the oil is acting like a big magnet attracting all this microorganism with it, when we spit the oil out.

All the bacterial waste gets out of the body, the amazing part is that oil pulling does not remove toxins from the mouth but from the entire body.

This is because our tongue is connected to various organs such as kidneys, heart, lungs, small intestine spine through the network of veins

Do you remember how when you went to a doctor for a checkup?

He would straight away ask you stretch out the tongue out this is because your mouth is the mirror of your internal body and when you oil pull it sucks the toxins out from bloodstream from the other parts of the body.

Through my personal experience you can feel pressure near your thought like a suction tube, so much so that after a point you are not able to hold oil inside your mouth, thus oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the human body.

Now the toxins are out from your body the benefits you will get are amazing

Oral Health Benefits of Oil pulling Are

  • Remove Cavities-Riddled Teeth
  • Remove Swollen & Inflamed Gums
  • For Bad Breath
  • For Discoloration Of Tongue\Reeding And Bleeding Gums
  • For Yellow Teeth
  • For Dental Fillings
  • For Plaque & Tartar Build-Up
  • For Missing Teeth

Moreover, it naturally gives you

  • Whitter's teeth
  • Fresher breath
  • Pink lips and strong gums.

Did you realize those 10minutes you squish the oil around your mouth you actually exercising your facial muscles not only oil pulling will give you acne free clear and glowing skin but also improve your jawline?

Oil pulling helps clear the toxins seating in your digestive tract you call relieve your self from constipation and other digestive issues 

Not just that there is documented evidence that people have healed them from serious issues of acne arthritis asthma, insomnia, pcod, migraine by just adding oil pulling in there lifestyle

basically, no disease can stay in the body which  is clean from inside and oil pulling just does that

clearing the roughing waste in your body, I always experience increased energy level after doing oil pulling.

there are people who even clean to have reversed gray hair after they started oil pulling

fat loss just another side effect but positive though

so anybody can do oil pulling 

but actually should even kids and pregnant women it has no side effects what so ever

Oil Pulling Precautions to take

  • Should not swallow during oil pulling obviously because it contains bacteria and toxins
  • Oil Pulling is not for Small Children on daily basis, twice a week is ok.
  • Oil should not be spit into the sink so it can cause clogging of the of the pipes instead spit it into a trash can or a paper towel

Oil pulling reward to effort ratio is very high !!! that's what I like it

just spending 10 to 20 minutes and the benefits are miraculous 

knowing the science behind it we can be sure of the facts no matter how much we brush our teeth but what oil pulling can do a toothbrush can never do all tough, I m not asking to stop brushing just oil pull before 

Just once every morning empty stomach that's all your system needs to resume Nate and work to its fullest.

I seriously want you to give it  a try

I hope you found it to be helpful if yes then do like and share our article and subscribe to my website for notification email on your email id, thanks for reading.


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