The Untold Secret of Pubg Mobile Game Addiction

The Untold Secret of Pubg Mobile Game Addiction

Everyone nowadays heard about the popular game pubg (Public Battleground) which is trending worldwide it has been so popular it is in the Second position in the top 10 worldwide games played all around.

Pubg game has some maps to choose one of  which is Island known as Erangel is most popular and was the basic map in the game, most probably you have heard this its is become "talk of a town"

Thousands of players are joined through different servers worldwide in which 100 players are added in a group by Pubg server by default the arms, vehicles, houses, medkit, maps etc are made available.

The player in battle are individuals or some teams as the game rolls on the circle shrinks know as red zone the player must be in a safe zone within the circle and battle.

The last standing player or team is awarded "winner winner chicken dinner".

So let get back to "The Untold Secret of Pubg Game Addiction"

1. For what reason peoples are getting addicted to Pubg? 

2. It's a video game you know it very well then why we get addicted?

Whichever technology, mobile, computer, video games and much more mainly the targeted audience is children and teenagers but nowadays adults play video games too with great Interest

We can see many live examples in our friends too when they get back from jobs the start playing pubg while working on govt employees in the free time they play pubg in office too. discovered why would this happen with you?

It is related to Science and Technology so it's important to discuss this out I have played too much pubg and wasted my hours together, so it's my duty to say why this happening.

This is basically related to your Mind and Dopamine released  this have mainly Four Factors to understand

Motivation >>> Challenge >>> Reward >>Repeat

This is basically the Strategies of Technology and Gaming for users, if u figure out in Depth the for Designing Game there is a Special Team available who create such things.

You have seen in pubg you get rewards, creates, points, daily rewards have you noticed why? have you ever thought..... it is related to your addiction let me help you?

1. Motivation

pubg mobile motivation for teens

You have been shown if you do such particular thing you will get such such things or you will get such such rewards/ points/ crates. motivation is given to you with a golden spoon.

If pubg removes its rank/point system, like your on which level and which costume your having.

I am giving my words "you will not get addicted to pubg". 
You will not play this game on daily basis it'a reality.

We try to increase your reward, I am on level 15 my friends is on level 42 even I need to play hard to reach that level.

I need to play ... I need to play and reach above him such things motivate some to play this.

2. Challenge

playerunknown,player unknown battlegrounds for teens

If the person starts playing he has given with challenge like

You need to play in a certain area only. 

You need to win with these high-level players only.

Win a Round without a using any Weapon ....yeah its a challenge .....When we complete the challenge than in return you get is Reward.


pubg mobile reward

When you get some reward you or when your Brain goes with some good moments if you achieved something in your life you feel Happy.

In your brain Dopamine, chemical/hormones are released from that you feel happy, everyone needs to happy repeatedly.

Reward starts increasing crates by crates lead us to play..... this challenge..... this reward...... this title....... gold..... platinum.......conqueror.

4. Repeat

pubg mobile reward

The last step is to repeat the process starts again your motivated >> challenge >> reward >>repeat 

This cycle goes on and you get stuck in this game so most pubg addicts fail to uninstall it.

In this, you don't have a mistake the game is made like this only every single thing is designed in such a way that you get addicted and trapped.

Well, now you understand why the pubg game is so addictive or whichever video game, smartphones, social media. hope you understand the concept.

3 Tips To Overcome Pubg Addicts

So before I start giving you tip to overcome pubg addicts let me know in comment section below 

1. How many times you have installed and uninstalled the pubg from your phone.

2. What is Your Name in Pubg, which is the Highest level you Reached?

3. What is your Title in Pubg? 

Every game addict has the same story, "today is the last day I am playing pubg", "I will permanently uninstall before going to bed today"

Next morning "bro join me on pubg today we will have chicken dinner for sure"...again you will install a game and start to is there any solution for this?.... Yes, there is a Solution.

Because I have been playing pubg for 10 to 12 hours every day, how I finally overcome gaming addiction this is what I am going to share with you.

Have you ever read the poem "Jhota aavishkaar" is shoe Discovery by "Rabindranath Tagore" if you haven't then let me tell you the Gist of the poem.

The king named Hobuchandra complaint’s to this minister named Gobuchandra that what bizarre condition was going on his Kingdom because whenever he walks his feets got dirty by dust.

He orders Gobuchandra to find a way so that his feet never get dirty. Gobuchandra became worried.

First, he tried to sweep away the dust by using 7 and a half lakh brooms, this made the Whole Kingdom dirtier.

Second, then he tries to wash away the dust by using water is made the whole Kingdom full of mud.

Third finally decided to wrap up the whole kingdom by leather so that The King's feet never get dirty so he called a Tanner to the king's Court.

The tanner smiled and told the king that he had a better and easier idea

The tanner said to the king "my majesty, instead of wrapping of the whole kingdom, with leather"," why don't you wrap up your whole feet with leather" and this is how the shoes were discovered.

The funny thing is that to overcome addiction sometimes we also act like that hobuchandra the king's minister of gobuchandra.

We Uninstall the game we try to put the phone away for some time I mean we always think that the problem is that game, will never think that the actual problem is in our brain.

If we will learn to control our mind then it doesn't matter whether we have 1 or 1000 games installed on our phone it will not be anymore a problem to us.

The choice is yours do you want to sweep away the dust like gobuchandra tried to do or you want to put on shoes because as when we try to sweep away the dust it actually increases in the same way when we try to resist ourselves from playing the game, the craving Actually increase.

So first you have to understand that if you need to bring any change in something then that is not in your mobile phone but it is in your mind so what can you do for that?

I am sharing with you what I had done 

Before while playing the game this kind of conversation used to run in my mind what a game, what a graphics it's so much fun to play this game.

So after I decided to overcome the addiction I started to run this kind of conversation in my mind Oh God the full game is of bots and also the hackers are shooting from behind the wall and even the bullet is getting passed such a waste of time!

In this way, if you're providing yourself negative feedback about the game then after the time you will truly feel Bitter about the game and then you will be able to easily come out of the addiction.

pubg mobile addiction"Uninstall the game from your mind, not just from your phone"
When we are talking about Addiction then it is important to clear the difference between Addiction and entertainment?
Because most of us use this excuse "Oh come on I just play for entertainment"
If your playing for more than 4 to 5 hours daily even before your exam time or when you have some important tasks to do.
When you are compromising your time there and investing that time on that game.
If somehow or for someone reason, you don't get to play the game someday you are becoming angry then it's no more your entertainment it has become your Addiction.
Now we all have some major or minor goals in our life, for someone that is to score good marks in the exam or to get some good job or maybe to grow his business.
If we exclude the time required for sleep, eat and other activities then in a day we have a maximum of 10 to 12 hours to do our Works from that if you invest our 4 to 5 hours.
That is your 1/3 time on that game then just imagine after 5 to 7 years when you will be far from your goals and due to playing for long hours sitting on a place when neck pain and west pain will start to appear, then what your future self will tell you?
How much angry he will be with you for sure he will tell you when you had time why you had invested that in playing video games.
If you had invested 4 to 5 hours daily in some constructive work now the life would be completely different.
So if you don't want to have that regret in your future then you have to decide it now because the truth is it doesn't matter whoever comes and tells you to stop playing that game unless and until you are taking confirm a decision to stop playing the game nothing can happen.
Taking this confirmed decision is the main thing and that is only possible when you can realize the awful future of it.

pubg mobile addiction"imagine how much angry your future self will be with you for wasting those valuable time"
As you are still Reading this post proves that you truly want to get rid of this Addiction the feeling of regret has already started to appear in you.
It means you have reached that stage where while playing the game you feel good after you stop playing if you start to feel regret for again wasting your time.
So observe it carefully, it is a source of joy for you like it was, in the beginning, it has become a source of regret for you.
So what is the meaning of dragging around a source of regret with you?
Do you know that this Gaming company or Facebook, WhatsApp?
They invest millions of dollars to research how can they make their products more addictive to the consumers so that the consumers like me and you can't leave without their product because the more addictive will be the product the more it will generate revenues.
They don't even care whether it has a positive or negative impact on our life they just want to generate more revenue and the consumers like me and you, get trapped in their trap like rats.
Now the choice is yours do you want to get trapped? or do you want to feel free and leave a happy and healthy life?
So third tip 3 observe carefully is it pleasure or regret
pubg mobile addiction"Observe Carefully Is It Still A Source Of Pleasure Or Has It Become A Source Of Regret?"
At last lets recap 3 tips for Pubg Addicts
Uninstall the game from your mind, not just from your Phone.
Imagine how much Angry your Future self will be with you for Wasting those Valuable Time
Observe carefully Is It Still a source of Pleasure or has it become a source of Regret?
"Before you can Break out of Prison, you must Realize you are Locked Up"
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